Thursday, May 31, 2012

I still tried to make conversation with Pablo, but he didn't show any interest. I showed up to every party hoping he would be there. The only way I could get him to answer me was to argue with him and talk about other people's relationships. Everything I did, I acted like Pablo would see... he really motivated me but it's still sad. 

Then there was 3 weeks of school left, and we got a new P.E. group. I was SO excited because Pablo was in my PE group!!!! And to top it off, it was swimming! I am a competitive swimmer and swim every day for 2 hours. I lapped almost everyone in the group. Pablo was like, "Woah, you're SO intenseeee!" I loved him so much but I knew he liked Clara, or Olivia. Then one day we were emailing and I reminded him about swimming the next day, he said, "I mean it wouldnt be so bad if they were cute like u but they ARENT:/ ugg" because he was always being put with girls. And then a few days later he said, "Lol, your so cutteee:P lol i was talkingto makenzie today and she really thinks u r AAWWEESSOOMMEE" The next day.... was my friend's partay.

At my friend's party at a lake, this all changed. I wore a bikini :P, not that revealing but it was very small. On the way there, all the girls were flirting with the guys and running around and sitting on top of them... someone pushed Clara on top of Pablo... I was very angry. I wanted to CRY. When we were there, there was a giant crawfish that Pablo picked up. It was trying to pinch him and he cursed at it and dropped it. I flirted with him and told him to not hurt the poor little guy and I threatened to throw a rock at him. He picked it up again and dropped it. I went to go get a tiny pebble because I didn't want to hurt him. And I threw it at him. He was like "GRRRR, rock or in!" He was going to push me in the lake if I threw another rock at him.... Then the poor crawfish was about to go over the side of the pier and Pablo saved it but it pinched him. He got mad and pushed it with a plastic ring but it flew over the edge. I pretended like I was really mad and threw and rock at him and he pushed me in. OMG he is so sexy! But then, on the boat ride, I saw Olivia and Pablo on the same tube... yess I felt like someone killed me and asked why I was dead. On the ride back though, PABLO SAT NEXT TO ME.... AND HE ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO LISTEN TO MUSIC! I was about to BURST WITH HAPPINESS. We were sharing an earbud and Makenzie was like, "OHHHH BELLA!" By that time I had been researching how to tell your ex you still love them without really telling them...

I asked Makenzie if she would ask Pablo if he still liked me but he didn't really answer her.

When I got back home, I emailed Pablo... (ill put our convo down here! ↓)
me: remember that time when we used to be like close? that was so fun! i miss those times... we should hangout more!!!! :P we always have fun together :D 
him: do you wanna be just what we used to be..? i sorta do, cuz im NOT moving!!!
me: yess!!!! like yeah-  wait ur NOT? yayyyy!
him: do you understand what i meant when i said that??
me: friends!!!! yeah, right? wait what DID you mean?
(i did NOT wanna seem desperate!!!!)
him: ummm, nopppeee:P what we were like when we were at memorial mall, i sorta miss having you like thatt... 
him again: ummm, like, shttt, idk if i should say itt
me: i miss you too... like that...
him: will u go out with me:P ill ask in person monday if u wan
him again: yeahhh
me: of course i will ;)

I loved him so much and I never thought that this would ever happen. 
And I remember that I had this wish token... good for one wish, I wished that he would still love me. Then at 11:11 every time, I would wish for the same thing, and it came true.
That night, he told me he loved me, for the first time in a long time. :) nope, nothing could get better than this.     

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